Top 10 Most Powerful Healing Herbs Everyone Should Know About


1. Aloe Vera

Used topically or orally, aloe vera has found a place in traditional Indian medicine, Chinese medicine and the Western world.

In traditional Indian medicine, aloe vera is used to treat a variety of complaints like skin diseases, constipation, worm infestation and colic. In Chinese medicine, fungal diseases are often treated with aloe vera, and in the Western world, the plant’s qualities have found their way into the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries.

Studies show that aloe vera’s medicinal qualities are non-allogenic and have valuable antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal properties. Aloe vera can also soothe rashes, treat burns, cold sores and other skin irritations. As a beauty product, it’s an effective skin and hair moisturizer and helps to reduce inflammation.


Aloe vera is also widely available in most health food stores.

2. Ginkgo Biloba

natural remedies

Ginkgo Biloba, also known as maidenhair, has a centuries-old history and comes from the oldest living tree species on earth. Traditional Chinese medicine has used it to treat many ailments like short-term memory loss, fatigue, poor circulation and general mental deterioration.

Research showed improvements to cognitive function with brain injury patients in a controlled study from Beijing University and was reported to have positive effects on neurological impairment in trials.

Ginkgo Biloba’s other health benefits include a reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s and can help in the fight against anxiety disorders like depression, treat ADHD, HDL cholesterol and fibromyalgia, and maintain healthy vision.

3. Feverfew

natural remedies

Feverfew is another centuries-old medicinal herb. Fevers, headaches, stomachaches, toothaches, infertility problems, menopause, high blood pressure, and childbirth have all been aided by this natural remedy. Feverfew’s pain-easing qualities come from parthenolide, a biochemical that helps combat the widening of blood vessels in migraines.

Also an anti-inflammatory, feverfew has similar pain relief qualities as aspirin. Studies from the UK have shown that feverfew poses no major safety concerns.

We can find feverfew in health food stores in the form of tea bags, capsules, or in its loose dry form.

4. Saw Palmetto

natural remedies

Saw palmetto is often recommended as a supplement for men with prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Saw palmetto slows the body’s production of enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT’s role in male development is vital but problematic and can cause a variety of common health issues. Loss of hair, loss of libido, and an enlarged prostate are to name a few.

The natural remedy can also treat respiratory conditions, boost the immune system, and fight inflammation.

5. St. John’s Wort

natural remedies

The common St. John’s Wort also has a place in history and has been used for over 2,000 years. The natural remedy’s properties are anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety and can treat PMS and menopause symptoms, improve obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms, fight inflammation, reduce skin irritations and improve overall mental health.

6. Ginseng

natural remedies

Panax Ginseng is a well-known herb used across the world for its healing abilities. Research has shown its positive effects on maintaining steady blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Found in North America but popularized by traditional Asian medicines, the root of the plant has been used for over 5,000 years. Native Americans used the root as a remedy for headache, fever, indigestion, and infertility issues.

Ginseng’s ability to promote energy also means it can combat fatigue and stress. Found in most health food and herbal stores, the herb comes in capsule form, tea and tincture forms.

7. Milk Thistle

natural remedies

Derived from the milk thistle weed, this extract helps to strengthen the liver and can combat damage caused by hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcohol and drugs.

By improving the protein synthesis and quality of blood protein, milk thistle’s ability to heal a damaged liver can assist in cancer prevention and build disease resistance. The only downside to the natural remedy is it works best over extended periods.

8. Ginger

natural remedies

The root of ginger is a stimulant renowned for relieving digestive distress and nausea. Great for combating colds and flu, the now most widely used dietary supplement draws out toxins and loosens throat and bronchial mucus. Ginger also helps to restore lost appetites and can help prevent strokes and heart failure.

Other therapeutic benefits come from the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger can combat bacterial and fungal infections, help to boost the immune system, improve on diabetes issues, inhibit cancer cell growth, and treat stomach ulcers.

Ginger is sold in most food markets and health stores and can be eaten raw, taken in powder or supplement form or consumed in tea, or used topically.

9. Turmeric

natural remedies

Turmeric is another plant with an extensive history dating back almost 4,000 years. Modern medicine has also recognised turmeric’s importance, with thousands of publications acknowledging its health benefits.

Turmeric can treat blood clots, reduce inflammation, manage diabetes, fight depression and cancer, and can treat a range of gastrointestinal issues.

10. Raw Garlic

natural remedies

The common household bulb is a close relative to the onion but with many medicinal benefits. Despite its pungent odour, the active properties lying within the garlic’s essential oil, a sulphide of allyl, can lower high blood pressure and aid circulation as a natural blood thinner. Garlic also has antibiotic and antihistamine qualities, too.

Studies have proven that garlic contains many antiviral, antifungal substances. It might also be a powerful stomach and colon cancer fighter and continues to attract scientific attention regularly for its detoxifying abilities, its strong links in reducing colon cancer incidence, and its combative ability to treat infections and heart disease.
