The Quest for Immortality: Russian Scientist Injects Himself with Ancient Bacteria

A Bold Experiment in the Pursuit of Eternal Life


The search for the elusive fountain of youth has been a human endeavor for centuries. Dr. Anatoli Brouchkov, a Russian scientist, believes he may have found a clue in 3.5-million-year-old bacteria. Taking a bold step, he injected himself with the ancient microorganism.

Bacillus F in the image above to increase human longevity
They disclosed that they have deciphered the bacterium’s DNA and are currently attempting to identify the genes that have let it to survive in the Siberian permafrost. A picture of bacteria in a test tube is displayed.

Dr. Brouchkov discovered the bacteria, known as Bacillus F, in 2009. It was frozen deep within the Siberian permafrost, even deeper than woolly mammoth remains. Astonishingly, the bacteria were still alive and seemed to prolong the life of everything around it. Early studies on mice, fruit flies, and crops have shown promising results, leading Russian epidemiologist Dr. Viktor Chernyavsky to dub it an “elixir of life.”

“The bacteria gives out biologically active substances throughout its life, which activates the immune status of experimental animals,” said Dr. Viktor Chernyavsky, the epidemiologist who oversaw the study.
At a location known as Ulakhan Suullur (Mammoth Mountain) in the Sakha Republic, often known as Yakutia, the largest region in Siberia, the bacteria was first found six years ago under ancient permafrost.

The bacteria appear to have unique properties. Mice exposed to it lived longer and remained fertile into old age. Crops grew faster and were more frost-resistant. Even the people in the Yakutia region, where the bacteria were found, have longer-than-average lifespans.

The bacteria was discovered in 2009 in old permafrost in Yakutia, Siberia, an area well-known for its ancient mummified remains. It is thought to be a possible elixir of life. A picture of Russia’s northwest terrain is displayed.
According to Dr. Viktor Chernyavsky, the bacterium (shown) may one day lead to the discovery of a “elixir of life” and improve human health. There are rumors that another type of bacterium can “destroy petroleum molecules, turning them into water with the potential to create a new system for cleaning up oil spills one day.”

Despite the lack of formal human trials, Dr. Brouchkov took the plunge and became the first human test subject. Since injecting himself, he reports feeling better than ever and hasn’t contracted a cold or flu in two years. While it’s too early to confirm the bacteria’s effects on human longevity, Dr. Brouchkov’s experiment adds a fascinating chapter to the quest for eternal life.

Images above belong to the Daily Mail.
