Photographer Captures One in a Million Photos But Didn’t Know It Until He Returned Home

Photo credit: Daniel Biber

There’s nothing like walking away stress as you explore nature. Today more than ever, walking along a winding path bordered by the trees is a blessing unlikely to be taken for granted again.

While we often take these walks and marvel at what nature has to offer, and hopefully capturing it on our camera or video, those who do this for a profession have a trained eye to see the magnificent in the otherwise everyday environment. Wildlife photographers have a particularly good eye, and have the chance to travel around remote locations for the “once in a lifetime” shot.


…if you look closely at this photo… underneath the bird’s head there is a woman’s head !! What an amazing photo!…

Posted by Clare Ennew on Saturday, March 21, 2020

Daniel Biber, a professional wildlife photographer in Germany, experienced the right place, right time shot when he witnessed a natural phenomenon despite not capturing what he was aiming for.

Instead, Biber, who was visiting Spain’s northern Costa Brava at the time, witnessed an unusually large flock of starlings gathering just before sunset. In itself it wasn’t an unusual occurrence, but the exceptionally large flock twisted and turned into what appeared to be a single coordinated organism.

Photo Credit: Daniel Biber

Posted by Mind Bending Nature on Friday, February 21, 2020

Biber described the event that he captured as supernatural. The birds shape-shifted and morphed into one large giant-looking bird, a tactic used to confuse predators.

Biber’s patience of waiting to capture the starlings in full flight had finally paid off.

“I’ve tried to photograph the starlings, but it never worked out as well as I hoped for,” he said. “I eventually drove to the spot every day for four days in a row in order to capture them. I picked a spot where I thought they would turn up and picked a matching foreground and backdrop in order to put them in a scene.”

Biber’s photographs earned him an international photography prize for the unique images he didn’t realize he’d captured.

“Only when I checked the pictures on the computer later, I realized what formation the starlings had created,” he told the Daily Mail. “I was so concentrated on taking pictures at the time that I hadn’t realized that the starling murmuration had created a giant bird in the sky.”
