Vlogger Dies After Consuming Geckos And Centipedes Live Streaming Himself

A guy in China died after broadcasting himself eating centipedes to 15,000 followers on live video.


A guy in China died after broadcasting himself eating centipedes to 15,000 followers on live video.

Sun was a YouTuber on the Chinese live-streaming website DouYu. He had taken to spinning a wheel marked with various bugs, meals, and beverages and then swallowing whatever the wheel landed on live on camera as a method of gaining fans. According to the Daily Mail, the wheel contained geckos, mealworms, vinegar, eggs, centipedes, beer, and distilled whiskey. He was said to consume live geckos and insects.

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The 35-year-old man from Hefei, Anhui province, was discovered unconscious and without vital signs on Saturday, with his PC still live-streaming. He apparently broadcast himself eating deadly centipedes two nights previously. His belongings, including the wheel and culinary items used in the movies, were discovered in the same room as him. His videos were then taken from the streaming service.


The sort of centipedes he ate is unclear, however most species would not kill or seriously hurt you. However, there have been cases of severe injuries and fatalities caused by the bites of several poisonous species.

A guy trekking up to Devil’s Tea Table in the Missouri Ozarks was bitten by a large desert centipede and had to seek medical treatment after swelling in his arm became “as big as my face,” he told USA Today. Meanwhile, according to local accounts, a Thai woman died in 2013 from acute swelling and discomfort caused by a bite from a Chinese red-headed centipede.

Bites from the golden head centipede, which can take down mice up to 15 times their own size in 30 seconds and is prevalent across East Asia and Australia, can inflict agonizing pain. According to a research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences last year, their venom disturbs the circulatory, pulmonary, muscular, and neurological systems all at the same time.

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Authorities are looking into the death and have ruled out foul play. It’s conceivable that further reasons of his death have yet to be found. A guy from Australia died recently after eating a gecko on a dare, acquiring severe salmonella, and dying 10 days later during surgery for major organ failure.
