Images Show The Damage Done To Arctic Glaciers By Climate Change Over The Past 100 Years

In the early 1900s, Arctic glaciers were one of nature's most mysterious and unknown beauties. After being studied, explored, and used for more than a century, glaciers are now a horrifying testament to the effects of global warming.


In the early 1900s, Arctic glaciers were one of nature’s most mysterious and unknown beauties. After being studied, explored, and used for more than a century, glaciers are now a horrifying testament to the effects of global warming.

Swedish photojournalist Christian Slund, who works for Greenpeace, combined some early photographs from the Norwegian Arctic Institute of glaciers and ice in Svalbard, Norway, with shots he had taken in 2002 of the same locations. These photos taken before and after show an incredible difference. He is using the photo collection to oppose Norwegian oil companies drilling through the melting ice in the Arctic and to support #MyClimateAction, a National Geographic programme that promotes climate change dialogue.

View each alarming comparison below, then, in an effort to stop the catastrophic effects of global warming, sign Save The Arctic’s petition against Arctic oil here.

