This is an 800-Year-Old Cedar Tree That Stands Near the East Foot of Mt. Daimonji in the Oki Islands Japan

This is an 800-year-old cedar tree near the east foot of Mt. Daimanji in the Oki Islands, Japan.


This is an 800-year-old cedar tree near the east foot of Mt. Daimanji in the Oki Islands, Japan.

This tree is 30 metres tall, has a root circumference of 16 metres, and branches out in 15 locations from the trunk’s centre.

At 10 m above ground, you’ll find 24 massive stalactite-shaped breast roots.


Image Source: 朝日新聞- The Asahi / Sujit Samajpati

The longest of these has a length of 2.6 m.

Every year on April 23, the locals name this the “Chichi-sugi Tree (Breast Tree)” and organise a ceremony to honour it as a sacred tree.

Even in the summer, the land surrounding here is cold, and there is a peculiar aura after the rain.

