The Strange Case of Michelangelo’s Moses and His Mysterious Little Finger

    For ages, art enthusiasts have admired and admired Michelangelo's masterwork, the Moses sculpture. But did you realize that it all comes down to the finger? The statue's little finger is bent, providing the sense of tension and strength. This exquisite detail demonstrates Michelangelo's unrivaled talent as a sculptor.


    For ages, art enthusiasts have admired and admired Michelangelo’s masterwork, the Moses sculpture. But did you realize that it all comes down to the finger? The statue’s little finger is bent, providing the sense of tension and strength. This exquisite detail demonstrates Michelangelo’s unrivaled talent as a sculptor.

    Moses was sculpted in the early 16th century as part of a bigger project, Pope Julius II’s mausoleum. Moses, the biblical hero who led the Israelites out of Egypt, is seen with the Ten Commandments. But it’s the statue’s small finger that actually distinguishes it.

    Michelangelo’s Moses is placed in the San Pietro in Vincoli cathedral in Rome.
    Diagram labeling different muscle groups

    The finger is bent such that it appears to be pressing down on the stone tablets that Moses is holding, as if he is using all of his power to keep them stable. This feature has sparked considerable debate and conjecture over the years, with some claiming it depicts Michelangelo’s despair and wrath at his laborious work building the tomb.


    A muscle ripple at the little finger’s root and a raised extensor digiti minimi

    Whatever the cause for the bent finger, it lends an extraordinary feeling of force and intensity to an already outstanding work of art. If you ever get the opportunity to see Michelangelo’s Moses in person, take a careful look at that little finger and wonder at the talent and vision of one of history’s greatest painters.

    Hammer blow marks on the right knee are detected.
    The Duomo Pietà is housed at the Saint Maria of Fiore Museum of Opera.
