Kiwi, the Bird with the Largest Egg

Did you know that kiwis have the biggest eggs per body size of any bird species on the planet? In fact, their eggs may weigh up to 450 grams, which is around 20% of the kiwi's overall weight. To put this into perspective, if humans had such a ratio, it would be equivalent to giving birth to a fully fledged four-year-old child!


Did you know that kiwis have the biggest eggs per body size of any bird species on the planet? In fact, their eggs may weigh up to 450 grams, which is around 20% of the kiwi’s overall weight. To put this into perspective, if humans had such a ratio, it would be equivalent to giving birth to a fully fledged four-year-old child!

The kiwi is a flightless bird indigenous to New Zealand that also serves as the country’s national symbol. They have distinctive characteristics such as a large, pointed beak and are coated in shaggy, hair-like feathers. Kiwis reside in burrows or hollow logs at night.


Despite their intriguing features, kiwis are threatened by habitat loss, predation, and poaching. Conservation initiatives have been put in place to assist safeguard and secure the future of these unique birds.

It’s astounding to consider the enormous size of a kiwi’s egg and the work necessary to lay it. As we marvel at the natural world’s beauties, let us also do our share to conserve and preserve it.

View this snapshot of a kiwi bird to learn more about these fascinating species.
