Seven Best Friends Built a Retirement Home to Spend the Rest of Their Lives Together

    Seven Chinese ladies wished to grow old together, surrounded by the warmth and support of one another's presence. Rather of waiting for someone else to make their dream a reality, they decided to take matters into their own hands and build their own retirement house from the ground up.


    Seven Chinese ladies wished to grow old together, surrounded by the warmth and support of one another’s presence. Rather of waiting for someone else to make their dream a reality, they decided to take matters into their own hands and build their own retirement house from the ground up.

    The women, all in their 60s, bought a plot of land in China’s countryside and began planning their ideal home. They worked with architects and designers to develop an environment that was both attractive and functional for aging bodies.

    The end product was a magnificent six-bedroom mansion with a library, art studio, and meditation room. Traditional Chinese design features, such as a central courtyard and delicate woodwork, were blended into the home’s modern aesthetic by the ladies.


    However, the house was not just created to be beautiful; it was also built to be energy-efficient and sustainable. To reduce their environmental effect and save money on utilities, the women built solar panels, geothermal heating, and rainwater collection devices.

    Since moving into their dream retirement house, the women have been enjoying each other’s company. They spend their days together gardening, practicing calligraphy, and making meals. They also make an effort to be active and healthy, taking daily walks and attending tai chi lessons.

    People all across the world have been moved by the women’s amazing narrative, which serves as a reminder of the power of friendship, community, and taking action to build the life you desire. These seven ladies have demonstrated that anything is possible when you work together toward a similar goal by creating their own retirement house.

    Images belong to 条 / One.
