Lions Eat Three Poachers Who Wanted To Harvest Rhinos At Nature Reserve


    Recently in Eastern Province, South Africa, three poachers apparently broke into a South African game reserve to illegally hunt and poach rhinos. A pride of lions attacked them for invading their territory, and unfortunately for them they were eaten.

    For some reason, every time poachers get eaten by lions or something like that, everybody seems interested in it or somehow satisfied. The morality of that is debatable, I think that deep down everybody wishes the natural world wasn’t being destroyed so they vent their feelings on learning about little situations like this.

    At the scene where the men were eaten, staff from the African park found hunting rifles equipped with silencers, an ax obviously utilized to cut rhino horns, and wire cutters.


    Nick Fox, the owner of the South African park (because you know white people claim ownership over a lot in South Africa), saidon Facebook in what was called a press release:

    “We found enough body parts and three pairs of empty shoes which suggest to us that the lions ate at least three of them but it is thick bush and there could be more. They came heavily armed with hunting rifles and axes which we have recovered and enough food to last them for several days so we suspect they were after all of our rhinos here. But the lions are our watchers and guardians and they picked the wrong pride and became a meal.

    Whilst we are saddened at any loss of life the poachers came here to kill our animals and this sends out a very clear message to any other poachers that you will not always be the winner.

    The lions may have eaten more of them it is difficult to tell as the area is very thick with bush and you cannot be sure what they have taken off to feed on elsewhere. The best estimate we have so far is that three of the gang were eaten. They were armed with high powered rifles with silencers, an axe for the horns, wire cutters and side arms, so were clearly intent on killing rhinos and cutting off their horns.

    Around the time of sunset on July 3, the bloody scene was discovered. That means the drama probably went down as soon as they broke into the place to harvest the animal products from rhinos: the lions protected the rhinos.

    Officials comment on things like this, that’s how such an event goes, and so police spokeswoman Captain Mali Govender said:

    “We do not know identities but firearms have been taken by the police and will be sent to the ballistics laboratory to see if they have been used in poaching before.”

    Because regular people own barely anything these days and wealth is so completely hoarded in this world, and also because people make immoral decisions to make money, poaching of rhinos is still a serious problem in South Africa.

    Just today, the South African government released intense statistics on the poaching of rhinos, rhino horn smuggling and the like in 2017. It was reported that last year, 1,028 rhinos were illegally killed and harvested.

    Africa’s rhinos primarily thrive in that particular country: they aren’t common, South Africa is home to the beautiful creature.

    It is estimated that 18,796 white rhinos are present in the country, and 1,916 black rhinos are present. That’s 93% and 40% of the rhino populations in the entire world.

    This kind of situation is sad in every way. Civilians have to make money to survive, and some of them make immoral decisions to hunt animals that are barely still alive on this planet.

    The whole situation is sad. A certain way of living, a certain way of economy functioning is destroying the planet: and it’s not about capitalism or communism, it’s about the wealthy hoarding wealth and the poor having no opportunities to produce it with their own labor.

    (Image credit: a-z-animalshdw.eweb4thelife-animal.blogspotpublicnewshub)



    1. Fox, the owner of the South African park (because you know white people claim ownership over a lot in South Africa), saidon Facebook in what was called a press release – really?

    2. Not sure about the racist “White People” remark but I’m glad the poachers got eaten. Interesting how the color of the poachers was not given…

    3. So now it became a racist topic? what is wrong with you idiotic people? I am sick and tired of hear that everyday, even on poachers race we are talking now, ? are for real people? I don’t give a Damn if they are white of black I am happy and glad they GOT KILLED! and eating by a lion… it makes me more ! happier! is called KARMA !

    4. “because you know white people claim ownership over a lot in South Africa”
      Was this a necessary addition to the article? Or, are you just racist to white people?
      Do your research…. ‘people’ claim ownership of a country, skin colour does not matter.
      Wars were fought and won, no need to be butthurt…

      • Wars were fought and won?? Really !! How about white people went and took the land by force. These poor black countries did not stand a chance. It was no war! quit trying to make yourself feel better!

      • hahaha….”wars were fought and won”?!!!! WTF?! Please read som books and learn something about history.

        • the victor is the one with the most weapons or the most physical power. This is why wildlife, women, indigenous peoples
          don’t stand a chance, because all the weapons and bombs are invented by white people.
          Go figure.

          • You don’t have the brain power to develop Weapons and Bombs and…telephones and bricks and roads and….and… and… I have to say, what you do have is the ability to destroy, kill, ruin… that you can do with passion even to your own race

      • Dear I.M., aside from appearing to have mispelled your name, I going to assume you are a racist hypocrite. Wars fought and won? So…if ISIS were successful, same rule applies? Iraq takes Kuwait..all ok? Russia takes Crimea…all good? China in Tibet? No worries? Black activists run white South African farmers off farmland by force..all the same?…just new people owning land?

      • While i agree that the phrase is not needed ( because this article is supposed to be about destruction of wildlife ) i find your ‘wars are fought and won’ statement dumb. If you study your history you’ll know it was no war. Americans simply saw land and wants to own it simply because they can!

        • If you study your history you would know that it wasn’t America but Britain…suggest you follow your own advice. Perhaps all this misinformation is why our country is so full of problems…..

    5. wow, you are a long winded whiny bitch…. you sound fucking crazy, even a dog would leave you, now go find a forum called “fucks, and how to give one”

    6. It’s just a lion doing what’s natural to him. Three guys invaded his teritory and reaped what they sow. The lion didn’t know that they were there to poach rhinos and he doesn’t really care, i’m saying this because if those three guys were replaced by a family of three looking to sightsee and then killed the same way, people would look for justification and have the poor animal killed, we humans should just stay away from these animals because a lot is already in danger of extinction. They wouldn’t even need saving if we werent hunting/trespassing them in the first place.

    7. The whole situation is sad. A certain way of living, a certain way of economy functioning is destroying the planet: and it’s not about capitalism or communism, it’s about the wealthy hoarding wealth and the poor having no opportunities to produce it with their own labor.

      You are right the ANC Government and their buddies are all driving luxury cars, living in mansions,…while whites today live in squatter camps for the most part, or below the bread line… Trying to use this article to subtly attack what you perceive as ‘white supremacy’ is an even more sad situation… Using the protection of wild life BY wildlife to promote propaganda is just sick.

    8. hope lions eat ALL poachers – need to set satellites to spot poachers and shoot lasers down to wipe them from the face of the earth

    9. So disappointed that an article about ‘what goes around, comes around’ in the animal kingdom gets tainted with racist bullshit. Seriously, poaching is one of the lowest, most despicable ways to make money. Don’t AGAIN blame whites for the position these criminals are in. If you want to vote for a party that repeatedly fails you, that’s your own fault.

      • Well said”If you want to vote for a party that repeatedly fails you, that’s your own fault”. And in my opinion if you continue to vote for a party that fails you, you must have a virus in your head that’s eating up your brain cells.

    10. Kudos to the lions. Have no sympathy whatsoever for those poachers. They truly deserved it. If only this happens every single time.

    11. Great win for the rhinos and lions but the liberal who wrote this needs a real job instead of pushing their agenda ..”because you know white people claim ownership over a lot in South Africa”

        • Think about it – Liberal = racists nowadays. Seems like no-one that doesn’t think the way they think should have an opinion. I’ll be anything the writer of this article is a libtard.

    12. stick to the story and keep the ‘white’ or ‘black’ out of this. Them Lions killed them coz they were hungry, and a good job too!!

    13. This problem is easily address by applying population control on humans in these areas. Where government failed to create value adding jobs and people resort to doing these. You need to put a cap on people numbers I wish UN do something to address the human overpopulation issue. Its urgent

    14. Yes, Why this problem with white people? Without this “white” man who “claim the territory” to save animals, we would have no animals protected in this country. Also, south africa was mainly create and develop by white people. they farmed the land and create a territory, then the Africans from northern territory came to work there. (btw , i am an arab, north african, neither white or black, before someone use the argument, “you are a white man, sh*t the F**k up!!”).
      So I didn’t share your story but the original article, because that what i am interested by. Nature saving itself, no debate about who should own africa.

      • Thank you. White people are never valued for what they have done for this country. But the the lesson of gratitude will still be learnt the hard way.

    15. It’s got nothing to do with some wealthy people hoarding money but everything to do with with a government that has facilitated, and still does, corruption and looting on an industrial scale, probably unprecedented in modern history. No money left to uplift the poor then. So don’t try to put the blame on whites!

    16. This was very poorly written… Here’s a great example, this is one paragraph in this article, wtf ?!!

      “Africa’s rhinos primarily thrive in that particular country: they aren’t common, South Africa is home to the beautiful creature.”

      That doesn’t make sense at all and that’s just one example… Somebody needs to proofread what this writer puts out before it gets published, lol…

    17. “Nick Fox, the owner of the South African park (because you know white people claim ownership over a lot in South Africa)”

      Wow. To take something that has nothing to do with race and twist it like that. That’s skill. It was an interesting article until you starting taking a dig at ‘white’ people.

      Shame, bless your heart.

    18. “Nick Fox, the owner of the South African park (because you know white people claim ownership over a lot in South Africa).”

      Wow. It was quite an interesting article up until this point. How does attacking a racial group add anything of value to the article? This is unprofessional and unnecessary.

      Shame, bless your heart.

    19. I don’t care whether they are black or white. I am glad it happened. Our Rhino population is at all time low and almost extinct. Karma….If you want to act like an animal ..then die from an animal…

    20. Whoever wrote the story sounds like a real idiot! What a poephol…fyi it’s an Afrikaans word probably made up by a white person that’s explains what a person like you are…

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