Africa Breaks in Two & Sister Continent & Vast Ocean Emerge

A historic natural spectacle is taking place in the middle of Africa. Africa literally breaks apart, creating a kind of sister continent. It would also be followed by the formation of a huge ocean.


A historic natural spectacle is taking place in the middle of Africa. Africa literally breaks apart, creating a kind of sister continent. It would also be followed by the formation of a huge ocean.

Huge crack in Africa’s soil causes major damage

An earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves.
This is what it might have looked like in Suswa near Kenya, stimulated image. – iStockPhoto

Imagine you’re driving on the highway and suddenly the road opens up. Out of the window you see a 15 meter deep abyss to the side. From one second to the next. Panic sets in. But that’s not even the worst of it. The abyss is part of a huge crack that eats its way through the whole area. It even splits houses and causes them to collapse. Standing on the wrong spot would be fatal. Sounds like a bad movie, doesn’t it? No, because in Africa it actually happened like that! Near Mount Suswa near Kenya, Mother Nature flexed her muscles. The busy Mai-Mahiu-Narokt road, virtually the A1 of East Africa, was severely damaged. But why did this happen?

Earth plates play crazy

Plate tectonics is the generally accepted scientific theory that considers the Earth's lithosphere to comprise a number of large tectonic plates which have been slowly moving since about 3.4 billion years ago.
This picture indicates where the ocean can be created. –

To do this, we have to strain our gray cells. There was something. Fifth grade geography: Our Earth consists of different, moving plates. So-called continental plates can move toward each other, away from each other, or past each other. A few centimeters of movement per year can make for a tremendous natural spectacle.


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Tectonic movements lead to cavities in the ground

The Great Rift Valley is a series of contiguous geographic trenches, approximately 7,000 kilometres (4,300 mi) in total length, that runs from Lebanon in Asia to Mozambique in Southeast Africa.
The Great African Rift Valley in Ethiopia, tectonic plate movements will change a lot. – Bildagentur-online/Fischer | Bildagentur-online/Fischer, deutsche presse agentur

Since the crack occurred at the so-called “Great African Rift Valley,” it happened under two plates that were moving away from each other. Their movement created cavities in the ground where rather loose, sandy rocks accumulated. After heavy rain, a kind of underground weathering took place – experts call it subrosion. In simple terms, sediment (loose material) was washed away and this led to the sudden subsidence of the ground. But this devastating crack was only the harbinger of a much more powerful natural spectacle. The plate movements have much more in store for the entire continent of Africa. It will undergo a unique change and turn the geology of the earth upside down.

Sister continent splits off and new ocean will be created

Lava is molten or partially molten rock (magma) that has been expelled from the interior of a terrestrial planet.
Things are really bubbling here. Erta Ale in the Rift Valley shows that the splitting off of the new continent is progressing. – robertharding | Michael Runkel,

A massive sister continent will split off from Africa. The Red Sea will push its way into the “Great African Rift Valley” and create a new ocean in the middle of Africa. The separated piece of Africa may then officially be called the Somali Plate. The scientists still argue about the time of the separation in East Africa. From periods between ten and 50 million years are many estimates. The process of breaking apart has begun in any case and the crack in Suswa could also not remain the only harbinger up to the splitting off.

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