Milad Eshtiyaghi’s Slope House in Ohio, USA is one of Eshtiyaghi’s sloping home series designs scheduled for 2022.
Milad Eshtiyaghi: This is one of our sloping home series projects; the customer requested one of the earlier designs in this series (Slope House 2), and we gave him with a fresh design that met his requirements.
This project’s concept is similar to a person sitting on the earth’s sloping surface and looking out at the surrounding countryside.
This design starts from the ground and develops the project’s floor at ground level, the project’s wall at a higher level, the project’s roof at a higher level, and eventually it moves into the sky towards infinity.
The project’s shape is divided into two pieces by an axis in the center axis.
A tree at the end of this axe separates the floor and ceiling, integrating itself with the project and moving from earth to sky.
A glass skylight has been installed in the project’s ceiling, which, in addition to the center axis, is also placed over the bedroom.