7000 New Islands Discovered in Japan After a Survey

Japan, a Pacific island country, has lately discovered an astounding discovery. A recent study done by Japan's Geospatial Information Authority has discovered 7,000 previously undiscovered islands in the country's territorial seas. As a result, Japan's official island count is likely to more than treble, from 6,852 to 14,125.


Japan, a Pacific island country, has lately discovered an astounding discovery. A recent study done by Japan’s Geospatial Information Authority has discovered 7,000 previously undiscovered islands in the country’s territorial seas. As a result, Japan’s official island count is likely to more than treble, from 6,852 to 14,125.

The last survey of Japan’s territorial seas occurred in 1987, making the latest study historic. The survey gives officials a better grasp of the country’s landscape and is regarded as an essential administrative topic of national concern.

A member of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party sponsored the poll, emphasizing the need of having an exact count of the number of islands in Japan. While many of the newly discovered islands are simply cataloged copies of islands that have always been, new island formations have occurred in Japan’s territory in the past.

Aerial view of Matsushima Bay, Japan. – Image Source: DeAgostini / Getty Images

After an undersea volcano erupted near Iwo Jima in August 2021, Japan’s Coast Guard discovered a new C-shaped island with a circumference of about.6 miles. This revelation emphasizes our planet’s ever-changing character and the constant necessity to update our knowledge of its topography.

Two of the Dokdo Islets, known by the Japanese as the Takeshima Islands. – Image Source: Chung Sung-Jun / Getty Images
The Seto Naikai nland Sea separates Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. – Image Source: John S Lander / Getty Images

The new study isn’t going to extend Japan’s territory, but it will provide authorities with a better grasp of the country’s topography. As Japan maintains its technological and innovation leadership, this new finding gives a look into the wonders that remain uncovered in our planet.
