Stunning Pictures of our World Underwater

Many strange and lovely flora may be found in our watery habitats. However, life in these diverse and sometimes unpredictable situations is not always simple.


Many strange and lovely flora may be found in our watery habitats. However, life in these diverse and sometimes unpredictable situations is not always simple.

These plants can live under hardship, from aquatic plants surviving the powerful currents of Colombia’s Rainbow River to huge water lilies struggling for light in Brazil’s flooded Pantanal.

Giant Waterlily


The Giant Waterlily, thrives in Brazil’s Pantanal area. It begins as a little bud that develops to the surface of the water before emerging as a gorgeous lily pad up to three metres broad. The plant’s underbelly is adorned with girders and ribs to assist sustain its massive construction. Its submerged stalks, which aid in the anchoring of the leaves, may grow to be up to eight metres long.

The spines on its bottom assist the plant in fighting for space and defending itself from predators. – Image Source: BBC
This lake has been totally taken over by lily pads, which have successfully outcompeted all other competitors for space. – Image Source: BBC
Lily pads may grow to be three metres wide. – Image Source: BBC
The girders and ribs of the big water lily provide as structural support for its large surface area. – Image Source: BBC

Clavigera Macarenia

When the water level rises and there is enough sunshine, the Macarenia clavigera plant erupts into a magnificent array of colors, transforming Colombia’s Cao Cristales river into a liquid rainbow.

Macarenia clavigera requires a certain climate to blossom, which is why it stays dormant during some seasons. – Image Source: BBC
It may turn fuchsia, purple, crimson, or even yellow under the correct conditions! – Image Source: BBC

The Water Hyacinth

This floating bloom is native to South America’s Amazon Basin. The Hyacinth may generate up to 20 blossoms from a single stalk and can reach heights of 1m above the waterline.

Water hyacinths can bear up to 20 blossoms! – Image Source: BBC
A solitary stalk supports the water hyacinth bloom. – Image Source: BBC

Ranunculus Aquatilis

Water Crowfoot, or Ranunculus aquatilis, is a buttercup family member endemic to much of Europe. This underwater plant forms mats on the water’s surface and has floppy stems that flex in response to the current. However, it sends stiff flower-bearing branches into the air to attract pollinators.

Crowfoot flowers typically have five petals and a yellow center. – Image Source: BBC
Above water, the stem of a crowfoot is strong and inflexible, allowing it to support a bloom. – Image Source: BBC


Pistia stratiote, or pantropical water lettuce, gets its name from its lettuce-head-like appearance and may be found on all continents except Antarctica. This aquatic plant is nearly unsinkable, due in part to its thick and spongy leaves. Because its roots are not linked to the riverbed, it may move with the water.

In rivers, water lettuce roots float freely and provide protection for little fish. – Image Source: BBC
Water lettuce has spongy leaves that let it float. – Image Source: BBC

Sea Grass

Sea grass flourishes in shallow and protected coastal locations, with meadows totaling 300,000 square kilometers (115,000 square miles) in 159 countries. This plant is extremely essential since it absorbs 10% of the carbon in the ocean each year. The carbon used in photosynthesis is used by the grass to grow its leaves and roots.

Sea grass absorbs 10% of the carbon in the ocean through photosynthesis. – Image Source: BBC
A diverse range of fish and aquatic species call sea grass home. – Image Source: BBC

