Morocho: The Dog Who Became a Hero by Saving Children from a Puma

    A Tale of Unmatched Bravery and Loyalty


    Morocho, a Dogo Argentino, made headlines when he risked his life to protect two young girls from a puma. This breed, native to Argentina, is known for its hunting prowess and loyalty to its human family.

    The incident occurred in 2008 when Sofie Cappaletti and her friend Yoli were playing near a fig tree on the property of the Nores family. Unbeknownst to them, a puma was lurking in the same tree. When Yoli climbed higher to pick figs, she discovered the puma and screamed in terror.


    Reacting instantly, Morocho leapt into action. Weighing 90 pounds, he engaged in a fierce battle with the puma, which can weigh up to 180 pounds. Yoli’s father, Tomas Bracamonte, rushed to the scene, fearing it was a snake attack. To his relief, he found Morocho severely injured but alive, while the puma was dead.

    Morocho’s bravery saved the lives of the two girls. “If it weren’t for Morocho, we would be injured,” they said. After ten days of medical care, Morocho fully recovered and became a local hero.

    The story of Morocho’s bravery has touched millions worldwide, with over 2.5 million views on a YouTube video documenting the event.
