EcoSeχuals Seek To Save The Earth…By F*cking It

Ecoseχuality has actually been around for over a decade. The moniker has appeared in dating profiles since as early as 2000. It’s gained traction recently thanks to President Donald Trump’s opinion on climate change which he calls “Bullshit.”


Ecoseχuality gained traction thanks to multiple highly publicized ecoseχual events such as the“Ecoseχual bathhouse” by Pony Express that took place at 2016’s Sydney Liveworks Festival of Experimental Art.

There are now over 100,000 people who identify as ecoseχual and the number is climbing. Annie Sprinkle and her partner Elizabeth Stephens have published an “Ecoseχ Manifesto” and a few documentaries on ecoseχuality.

At 2015’s San Francisco Pride, they held a ribbon cutting ceremony to add an E to the LGBTQIA acronym. The act has not been recognized by the queer community at large.

It’s odd, but many are accepting of the new seχuality. After all, all they want is to reconnect people with nature. Or as Sprinkle puts it, Ecoseχuality seeks to “move beyond the depressing Al Gore stuff.”
