Home Deforestation Celebrities & Presidents Share Fake Pictures of Burning Amazon – Here’s What...

Celebrities & Presidents Share Fake Pictures of Burning Amazon – Here’s What the Fires Actually Look Like

While the Amazon burns, many other fires are burning across the world, some even larger and more widespread than those in the Amazon.


The tens of thousands of fires burning in the Amazon right now have caught the attention of environmentalists, politicians and celebrities alike.

Unfortunately, many of them have been spreading bad information in the form of decades-old pictures and incorrect facts, such as the claim that the Amazon is the “lungs of the world,” according to Forbes.

And while the fires raging in the Amazon are undoubtedly concerning, “the photos weren’t actually of the fires and many weren’t even of the Amazon,” according to Forbes.

The photo Ronaldo shared was taken in southern Brazil, far from the Amazon, in 2013. The photo that DiCaprio and Macron shared is over 20 years oldThe photo Madonna and Smith shared is over 30. Some celebrities shared photos from Montana, India, and Sweden. –Forbes

And as the New York Times noted on Friday, “These fires were not caused by climate change,” nor is the Amazon the “lungs of the world.”

“It’s bullshit,” said Dan Nepstad – one of the world’s leading experts on the Amazon forest. “There’s no science behind that. The Amazon produces a lot of oxygen but it uses the same amount of oxygen through respiration so it’s a wash.


Also debunked is a claim by CNN that the fires are burning at a record rate, as well as a claim by a leading climate reporter that “The current fires are without precedent in the past 20,000 years.”

According to Nepstad, the number of fires in 2019 is just 7% higher than average over the last 10 years.

So what do the fires actually look like?

Here are some current photos of the devastation by photographer Leonardo Carrato, via Bloomberg.

Perhaps celebrities and politicians will share these instead.

By Tyler Durden | ZeroHedge.com | Republished with permission




  1. Whether celebrity and presidents photos of the Amazon burning are of the Amazon burning or of somewhere else or taken many years ago is not the point here. Not one person on this planet should or must allow this 55 million year old rainforest which is home to many indigenous tribes and millions of species of plants and animals to be burnt down for cattle ranchers and soy bean farmers and loggers! Because once the Amazon is gone it’s gone forever! So wake up world and get rid of Bolsonaro and do everything you can to stop the destruction before it’s too late!

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